Dear Division 2 families,
I didn't get around to sending a newsletter last week, so here is an update of what we've been working on in class since the last newsletter:
I didn't get around to sending a newsletter last week, so here is an update of what we've been working on in class since the last newsletter:
Nutrition and Food Studies
First, I would like to thank all of you for helping your child have all the necessary ingredients for their meal project. Over the last two weeks, students inspired me and each other by preparing a variety of delicious looking healthy meals. Students had various levels of experience in the kitchen, some being often involved in food preparation at home and others being newer to the experience. I am impressed with all the meals that were prepared and I have already used a lot of those ideas in my own kitchen!
Following this project, students have learned to collaborate on PowerPoint to create a presentation that will teach the class about the nutrition content of their recipe, and how to make it at home. We will soon post the PowerPoint presentations on Teams so students can help prepare healthy meals at home, inspired by their classmates' recipes.
Following this project, students have learned to collaborate on PowerPoint to create a presentation that will teach the class about the nutrition content of their recipe, and how to make it at home. We will soon post the PowerPoint presentations on Teams so students can help prepare healthy meals at home, inspired by their classmates' recipes.
Remembrance Day Art and Literacy
To reflect on Remembrance Day, we watched a documentary called Entre les lignes, featuring letters and journal entries written by Canadian (francophone) soldiers, officers and nurses on the front, during WWI. We are also listening to an audio-recording of the book War Horse, by Michael Morpogo. Students created posters and wrote an essay/letter or poem on the topic of Remembrance Day, following the guidelines for the BC Legion annual Poster and Literary Contests. Many wonderful entries were submitted to the contest in all categories. Great work everyone!
We are continuing to learn how to conjugate verbs in the present, with a second list of verbs. We are using word sorts and the game Verbathon (optional) to learn the patterns that will help to conjugate a variety of verbs. Students have a choice to do the non-competitive option, where they determine a goal for accuracy/fluency on Monday and self-assess on Friday by doing their own personal sort. They can also choose to participate in a friendly competition on Friday, where they work with their team to do a speed-sort. In the coming week, students will work on making a good copy of the French spooky story that they wrote on Halloween, focusing on ensuring that the verbs are correctly conjugated.
Métis presentation with Corinne Chow and Pointillism
On Tuesday we had a Zoom presentation from our Metis teacher, Ms. Chow. She taught our class about Metis beading and pointillism. She suggested that students try to make their own unique pointillism designs on black paper, with acrylic paint. On Friday, students spent the afternoon experimenting with pointillism and created bright and beautiful art inspired by the Metis.
In math last week, we reviewed the main concepts of our unit on Fractions with a practice quiz on Prodigy. We also practiced solving a variety of word problems that involve fractions. We will continue to work on fractions word problems this week, followed by an end of unit quiz on Fractions towards the end of the week.
Lego Class Challenge: Future Worlds
The Cowichan Valley Art Council is inviting classes to collaborate on a class creation for their Lego Challenge on the theme "Future Worlds". As a class, we decided to develop our ideas for the challenge by working in small groups to explore different avenues for what the world of the future might look like, using Minecraft Education. For inspiration, we watched a few French videos from the contest Villes et Territoires de Demain, which invited young people to create their vision of sustainable communities for the future.
This week, we will use our Minecraft design ideas to collaborate on a whole-class Lego creation to submit to the Lego Challenge. I have a limited amount of Lego at school for this project. If students who have a lot of lego at home could lend us Lego (blocks and large base-plates), please bring to school on Monday as our deadline for this activity is coming fast!!!
Tying into this activity, students will use the ideas that they developed to write about their vision for the future.
Tying into this activity, students will use the ideas that they developed to write about their vision for the future.
Wishing you all a great week!
Nathalie Boulanger
Nathalie Boulanger